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Book Marketing In Quarantine

Book Marketing In Quarantine

Steven Spatz - August 10,2020

TAuthors faced with book signings being canceled and face-to-face events waylaid have had to rethink their book marketing efforts. Some have embraced it, others have faced frustration. Here are some of your stories.

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The Reading Habits Of Five Generations [Infographic]

The Reading Habits Of Five Generations [Infographic]

Andre Calilhanna - August 10,2020

This infographic charts the reading habits of five generations — and seeing how different generations consume, select, and engage with their reading materials is enlightening, and sometimes surprising.

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Of Creativity And Madness

Of Creativity And Madness

Andre Calilhanna - August 10,2020

Personal suffering is sometimes cited by artists as a driving force behind their work, turning pain, anxiety, trauma, and hostility into creative expression. We profile a few notable examples in this post.

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Your Eight-part Story Check

Your Eight-part Story Check

Andre Calilhanna - August 10,2020

A fully-developed manuscript will be rich from beginning to end, from the big to the small. How does yours hold up to this eight-part check?

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